
Ocak, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


 Hello guys, it is Rümi! I hope everything is fine for you. I would like to share a topic with you today, it is Infographic. ◾️ What is Infographic?   〰  I nfographic is a series of imagery, charts, and minimal texts that gives people the opportunity to have a quick impression and prior knowledge about a topic or information. Infographics are handy and valuable tools because they pull our attention towards subjects and bear them in our minds. You need to use your all creativity to create an infographic as the primary objective is to make people excited and direct to the subject unwittingly. Infographics can be used for any reason like explaining a complex topic, summarizing a lesson or a repot, promoting an advertisement, etc. Some applications to create infographics: ⚪️ My Own Experience 〰  I used Canva to create an infographic, and my infographic is about a language learning application, Duolingo. I hope it catches your attention. Here it is: Bye!

Augmented Reality

  Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog again, today I'm going to share something unique and mesmerizing with you, augmented reality. If you are excited too, let's start ! (“Augmented reality is going to change everything.”   — Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO? Augmented Reality (AR) is an upper version of the real physical world that occurs via digital visuals, sounds, and other stimulations. It gains more fans every day as it is appropriate for today's trends. Mobile device and business companies compete for the highest quality applications by using augmented reality. Augmented Reality's main goal is to emphasize the rich and particular features of real-life, and increase the awareness of digital usage. Some Augmented Reality applications: 🟣 My Own Experience I benefited from 3DBear AR, it was easy to use and it includes many features and objects to animate. If you want to try, you can download it and enjoy! I have a swing in my room! :D   See you!!!!


Hello guys! It is Rümi. Today's topic is an application; Tandem. Firstly, I should warn you before you start to use this application because you can be addicted to this. Tandem is an application on which you can find a chance to speak with native speakers. You can download it from both Google Play and App Store for free. It also has a web site. After signing up, you choose your native language and the languages you want to learn, practise. You also can add some of your hobbies and informations about your personality to your profile. That’s how, people who have similar tastes with you may find you quickly. Let’s start with the most obvious advantage: the language skills. By practicing a foreign language with a native speaker, your listening,writing,reading and speaking skills will improve immensely. One of the properties of this application is being able to correct the words of the person you’re talking to. It is really beneficial and thanks to it, I also improved my grammar knowled

Digital Narrative + Storybird

 I greet you ladies and gentlemen! I hope you are OK, I'm not feeling good, but anyway! Today's topic is "Digital Narrative" and "Storybird". If you are curious, come and read! ( “…digital storytelling combines the best of two worlds: the "new world" of digitised video, photography and art, and the "old world" of telling stories.” -Dana Atchley) 〰  Digital Narrative or Digital Storytelling is an opportunity for people to share their stories in detail by using multimedia tools. Media might contain film techniques and structures. Digital Storytelling is out of tradition as it doesn't have common features with regular storytelling. It includes the combination of images, texts, sounds, and interactive features. It can be used in order to present an opinion or tell a story. It is also preferred by teachers around the world to increase participation, communication, and collaboration skills. It encourages the usage of technology which helps

Drama: In Language Teaching

  Hello buddies! It is your Rümi. I want to share something that I learned not for a long time ago. It is Drama usage in language teaching. I should admit that it is fun to integrate Drama into language learning, and I want to explain what Drama is and what kind of benefits it has. 📌 What is Drama In Education? Drama is a learning tool that requires and enhances self-expression skills. It helps students to discover issues and connections through different activities. In this way, students think over themselves and their environment. Drama provides students to develop their social, intellectual, physical, emotional skills by role-playing, dramatizing the situations.  📌 Benefits Of Drama Usage In The Classroom 1. Drama teaches students to learn how to put themselves in other people's shoes and behave. 2. It encourages students to join the classes more thanks to activities. 3. Students learn how to find proper solutions in unexpected situations.  4. It helps students to use their im


Hello guys! Wouldn’t it be so great if you found a letter inside a bottle on the edge of a beach and have a chance to write back? This application offers it to you even though it is virtual. It is an application that lets you send short messages via a virtual sea and have them reach other users anywhere in the entire world. You can download this application from both Google Play and App Store for free. It also has a web site you can reach quickly. (http://bottledapp.com/) If you would like to enhance your language skills, especially English, and communicate with foreign people around the world, this is exactly for you! It really turns you into a more sociable and confident person. You can practice your English by writing and you can learn any language you want. Personally, it helped me so much in terms of vocabulary. All you have to do is signing up, writing a letter, and send it away. Pay attention: You can write to 5 people daily! Then, you can see to whom you sent the letter After t


  How are you guys? I'm pretty fine and ready to share some new informations with you :) Today's topic is "Podcast". - What is Podcast?      A podcast is a series of digital media products', such as radio programs, videos, being published in a common digital environment by computers or portable equipment like phones. The word podcast was created in the 2000s by eliminating iPod to the pod, and broadcast to cast, that's how it occurred. The difference between downloading voice, video records, and podcast system is the usage of "feed". In this way, every new piece is watched and download. Thanks to Podcast, it is available to follow amateur radio and TV programs any time and everywhere by subscribing.  - What I used? I experienced this great opportunity with Soundcloud. If you sign up, you won't regret it. It allows you to listen multiple podcasts according to your mood, and you find a chance to meet different creators. I created a podcast about &q

Animation + Powtoon

  Hii! I'm back again with a topic that we always love since our childhood; animation. 🖇 What is an animation? 〰  Animation is the art of drawing movements which gives the vibe as much as an illusion. Acfually, it comes into existence with a set of drawings and thier moving fastly, twenty-four frames a second supplies that magical appearance. There are a number of animation tools:  🖇 Powtoon 〰  Powtoon  is a British made, cloud-based animation software. It was designed to create animated presentations and explanation videos by using animations. The name of Powtoon comes from a portmanteau of  PowerPoint  and the word  Cartoon . Powtoon permits its users to create animated presentations by moving prepared objects, imported visuals, some music, and voice-overs that are created by users. It is free, but you need to have Premium package to be able to use private features. There are several options that you can choose to create! I built my character first and started to create my ani


  Hello my dears! I hope you are fine. Today I will share my Vidcast with a brief definition of Vidcast. ☁️ What is a Vidcast? It is a video clip which is created to be viewed in a common area. It is also called as "vcast", "vodcast" and "videocast". A vidcast has the same RSS syndication technique with a podcast, to supply materials to users. ☁️ My Vidcast: Voki I used Voki in order to create my vidcast. I mentioned "The benefits of being a polyglot". It is my first experience and I hope you like it! You can reach it by clicking on this link: https://tinyurl.com/y3383stq Have a nice day <3


  Hello guys! Welcome to Rümi's blog again <3  Today's topic is Quizlet, one of the most common tools nowadays. I will try to introuce this application in the best way ヽ(•‿•)ノ 🔷 What is Quizlet? 〰  Quizlet is an online study application that provides students a fun education environment with enjoyable tools and games. Quizlet is an application that we see in daily life as teachers prefer it because of its being time-saving. In a few minutes, you can create various tests! Students also prefer this application because it includes a variety of technics and exercises. Quizlet's first aim is to help students to practice what they learned and meet their deficits. Thanks to its flexibility, the application is available for every grade level. It is also possible to incorporate collaboration and teamwork into the classes. 🔷 The Study Set 1) Flashcards: Like real flashcards, users see some cards for words or terms, then they can check it by flipping over with only a click. 2) Le