
Nisan, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

My Way On OADL

 Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to talk about my own process in OADL (Open and Distance Learning). Before this lesson I take for the last semester, I was not aware of the variety of the technological tools and creative activities so much. With this lesson, I can say that I have become more proficient in the use of technology, and I have learned how to integrate technology into the foreign language lessons in an efficient way more.  Now, I would like to share what contributed me the most in my process; 1)  Thanks to the 'Can/Can't Do' statements, I have learned my strengths and weaknesses or lacks in the use of technological tools/applications. As it was a group work, I was able to gain information about the strong and weak points about my groupmates too, which provided us a better colloboration in the project. 2)  By using exit ticket, which is a formative assesment tool leading an effective way to end a class, I could write down what I did not know, what I know and w